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Friday, 2 September 2011

Our New Media Partner And Some News

Hey guys! We have a new Media Partner and I am happy to announce it to all of you!
The Stardoll Undercover Reporters is now one of our Media Partners if you want to follow them or visit the blog then just click at the picture below.

Our Blog Logo
( Made the logo for them :) )

You see its September which means here in the UK its " Back To School" time so, I probably won't be posting a lot because I have to get ready for my GCSE and I would love to have a great career when I grow up but, I will try to post and be active and I hope you are too. :)
School starts next week and I will only log on to Stardoll and check a few stuff and I will probably chat but If I don't so very sorry but you can always contact me on my GuestBook or Doll Mail me and I will reply very soon. If you need to ask me ANY question at all please ask me below,guestbook or doll mail me. I will reply very soon.
 I will post plans next week about what's going to happened next week here on TSL.

Thank you!
