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Saturday, 6 August 2011

VIP Party and TPA

If you visited my suite today and saw me post this,

Yep. I am going to a VIP party for all the VIPs in this club
 They had fun and I had fun too! I enjoy it so much we had a great laugh though I didn't expect EVERYONE to come here are some pictures I took. There was quite a lot of them but this was before they all start comming in.

It was amazing!If you want to be one of the VIPs then just add me on Stardoll and ask me!

TPA stands for Teen Princess Awards which is a competition where girls enter for their outfit like a catwalk. I know its supposed to be in the 1st August but it was cancelled because I was ill so TPA wwill be back next week. I promise you!

Talk to all of you soon!


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