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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Worried.. :|

We have 10 followers and I'm alright with it but the only thing is, not everyone is active. There's only like 2 of them who are active (don't want to name them). I'm not mad or anything. some of the writers are active but if you are not going to post anything then please let me know so I know what to do.
Now, just to keep you ALL active I am going to start an Inviting Competition it seems like some blogs do this and it does works. Who ever invites the most will win...
20sc (starcoins) and 15 sd (stardollars)
Are you up for it?
Anyone can join! Even if you are a writer!

How will this work??
Basicly, you get as many people to follow this blog and tell them to put their username and the person who invited them and write on the comment bar.

Stardoll Username: justlovingu
Invited by: Gitanna

DEADLINE: 70 followers or 80 followers.

Tahnk you!! The prizes might change but I will post it.


1 comment:

  1. Stardoll name :Hinata331
    Invited by: Darkshadow205
    Emy ♥Mky
